The culmination of year’s toil ends on Sunday. On Tuesday we picked the Riesling – first time ever it has been picked before both Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The fruit came in at 13.8 Baume, the most ripe we have ever picked Riesling. Because of the small amount, it will be blended with another batch and we will share in the spoils!
Tomorrow (Saturday) we pick the Pinot Noir. I’m very pleased with the quality of the fruit, not so pleased with the Chardonnay, as we have lost some fruit to powdery mildew. This occurred when our air blast sprayer carked it and we are still waiting for one small bit to arrive from Germany. To complete the spray programme, we had to convert our weed sprayer into a foliage sprayer, with a carefully made piece of stainless made by Matt Lowe at Solutions in Stainless (always supporting the locals if possible). Again, as for the past 15 years, we are supported by the Launceston Grammar School Music School, headed by Sherryn Hepher. A few difficulties, seeing as Tasmania now has four terms and vintage will, invariably, occur during the school holidays when the kids (and staff) scatter.

More about the Pinot and Chardonnay after this weekend!